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"Someone, I say will remember us in the future."

Friday, October 27, 2006

"Ability is sexless."
~Christabel Pankhurst

Janet Scudder, born this day in 1869.
She studied at Cincinnati Academy of Art.
A wood carver for furniture company in
Chicago and invited to join the "White
Rabbits", to complete the work for the
World Columbian Exposition. Scudder, then
studied under the sculptor, Frederick
MacMonnies in Paris, France. Returning to
America to create her own work- the
commissions for garden and water fountains-
her sculpture took the form of children, animals,
pixies, and fairies. Ms. Scudder is one of America's
most well-known sculptors.

Emily Post, born this day in 1872. In 1922, Ms. Post
published her book:"Etiquette, in Society, in Business
in Politics, and at Home". It was a best seller and
continues to be popular to this day. In 1931, Ms. Post
began a radio show and newspaper colume. In 1946,
Ms. Post, created "The Emily Post Institute". The
current spokes person is Peggy Post; Ms. Post's

Maxine Hong Kingston, born this day in 1940.
Ms. Kingston is currently Professor Emeritus
at University of California. A Chinese American
writer, awarded the National Book Critics
Award for Nonfiction in 1976 for "The Woman
Warrior". Arrested in 2003, for crossing a police
line while protesting the Iraq War in Washington,
D.C. Her latest book, "The Fifth Book of Peace".

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