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"Someone, I say will remember us in the future."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 30th

Born this day in 1820, Anna Sewell, British author. Sewell wrote one novel, and it was the classic, Black Beauty the novel that captured a young girl's affection for horses which still is happening today. Sewell spent most of her life on crutches due to an accident that injured both her ankles. And walking was limited even with crutches, and so a little carriage with a horse was her mode of transportation. And even though, Black Beauty is considered a children's classic novel, Sewell wrote the book for those who worked with horses.
She said it was "a special aim being to induce kindness, sympathy, and an understanding treatment of horses".
Sewell was sickly most her life, and spent the last years (1871-1877) of her life writing and sometimes dictating to her mother, Black Beauty. She sold it to a locate
publisher, and so Anna saw the first wave of success her book.

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