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"Someone, I say will remember us in the future."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19th

Born this day in 1666, Sarah Kemble Knight, business owner,and author. Knight made a mark on history with her journal of a trip in which she traveled alone on hose back. A cousin living in New Haven, Conn. was widowed and in need of good and trusted counsel to settle her estate. Knight living in Boston, Mass rode horse back ALONE to her cousin- keeping a daily diary of her journey, which was later published. The account was also humorous and very honest about the grueling and very human moments which was also unusual in this time period. Again,the fact a woman traveling alone was very uncommon. But, this was Knight's character and quick mind. Not only was she a smart businessperson, she was also very learned about the law, which is why her cousin requested her help. Knight's diary also acts as a document of the times. It gave real insight into a time where it was not style of the time to be so open, but it is very clear Ms. Knight was a head of her time- a modern woman of the 17th century.

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